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Catalogue Updates
1Galileo Gold (GB) / York Express (GB) B.C.
2Kodiac (GB) / You Dare To Dream (IRE) B.C.
3Camelot (GB) / Young Daisy Miller (IRE) B.C.
4Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Zain Art (IRE) Gr.C.
5Pride of Dubai (AUS) / Zelloof (IRE) Ch.C.
6Exceed And Excel (AUS) / Abbey Angel (IRE) B.F.
7Profitable (IRE) / Abhajat (IRE) B.F.
8Belardo (IRE) / Abilene (GB) Ch.F.
9Camacho (GB) / Acago (USA) Ch.C.
10Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Acca Laurentia (IRE) B.C.
11Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Acid (GB) B.C.
12Bated Breath (GB) / Across The Floor (GB) B.C.
13The Last Lion (IRE) / Acts Out Loud (USA) Ch.C.
14Dandy Man (IRE) / Ai Chan (IRE) Ch.F.
15Highland Reel (IRE) / Alaskan Breeze (IRE) B.C.
16The Gurkha (IRE) / Albaraaha (IRE) Ch.F.
17Kodiac (GB) / Alice Liddel (IRE) B.C.
18Fast Company (IRE) / All In Green (IRE) Br.C.
19Nathaniel (IRE) / Allannah Abu (GB) B.F.
20Cotai Glory (GB) / Allegrissimo (IRE) Ch.C.
21Galileo Gold (GB) / Almond Brook (GB) Ch.F.
22Profitable (IRE) / Alphabetique (GB) B.F.
23Belardo (IRE) / Alpine (GB) B.C.
24Slade Power (IRE) / Amador (IRE) Ch.F.
25Kodiac (GB) / Ameliorate (IRE) B.F.
26Gutaifan (IRE) / Amthal (IRE) B.C.
27Fascinating Rock (IRE) / Anam Allta (IRE) B.F.
28Bobby's Kitten (USA) / Anarchiste (GB) B.F.
29Cotai Glory (GB) / Angel Meadow (GB) B.F.
30Oasis Dream (GB) / Angelic Guest (IRE) Gr.F.
31Bobby's Kitten (USA) / Argenterie (GB) Ch.F.
32Exceed And Excel (AUS) / Arjeed (IRE) B.C.
33Australia (GB) / Artwork Genie (IRE) B.F.
34Nathaniel (IRE) / Askmour (IRE) B.C.
35Ardad (IRE) / Avenbury (GB) B.F.
37Garswood (GB) / Bahia Emerald (IRE) Ch.F.
38The Gurkha (IRE) / Bahja (USA) Ch.C.
39Gutaifan (IRE) / Baileys Pursuit (GB) B.C.
40The Gurkha (IRE) / Balcony (IRE) B.C.
41Cotai Glory (GB) / Bali Breeze (IRE) B.F.
42Markaz (IRE) / Balladiene (IRE) B.C.
43Cocktail Trezy (FR) B.C. by Le Havre (IRE) x Barmaid (FR)
44Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Bayan Kasirga (IRE) B.C.
45Cable Bay (IRE) / Beauty Within (GB) B.F.
46Adaay (IRE) / Belatorio (IRE) Br.C.
47El Kabeir (USA) / Bella Ophelia (IRE) B/Br.F.
48Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Belle des Airs (IRE) B.F.
49Ardad (IRE) / Bergamot Orange (USA) B.C.
50Exceed And Excel (AUS) / Betty Loch (GB) B.C.
51Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Beylerbey (USA) B.F.
52Kodi Bear (IRE) / Bigasiwannabe (IRE) B.C.
53Kodi Bear (IRE) / Bint Malyana (IRE) B.F.
54Belardo (IRE) / Bint Nayef (IRE) B.F.
55Aclaim (IRE) / Blaise Chorus (IRE) B.C.
56National Defense (GB) / Bleu Ciel Et Rouge (IRE) B.F.
57Churchill (IRE) / Blue Angel (IRE) Ch.C.
58Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Blue Dahlia (IRE) B.C.
59Cityscape (GB) / Blue Lyric (GB) B.F.
61Sea The Moon (GER) / Bracing Breeze (GB) B.C.
63Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Brazilian Samba (IRE) B.C.
64Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Brianna Bay (IRE) Ch.C.
65Caravaggio (USA) / Bright Birdie (IRE) Gr.C.
66Make Believe (GB) / Brimful (IRE) B.C.
67Exceed And Excel (AUS) / Broadway Melody (GB) B.C.
68Galileo Gold (GB) / Bronze Baby (USA) B.C.
69Elzaam (AUS) / Brown Bee (IRE) B.C.
71Kodi Bear (IRE) / Bulgadin Lady (IRE) B.C.
72Red Jazz (USA) / Bulrushes (GB) Ch.C.
73Profitable (IRE) / By Jupiter (GB) Ch.C.
74Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Callisto Star (IRE) B.F.
75Cotai Glory (GB) / Cape Elizabeth (IRE) Ch.F.
76Profitable (IRE) / Caressor (USA) Ch.F.
77Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Casino Girl (GB) B.C.
78Vadamos (FR) / Celestial Fable (IRE) B.C.
79Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Celestial Love (IRE) Gr.C.
80Garswood (GB) / Chance of Bubbles (IRE) Ch.C.
81Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Chances Are (IRE) Ch.C.
82Belardo (IRE) / Chanter (GB) B.F.
83Divine Prophet (AUS) / Chellalla (GB) Ch.F.
84Excelebration (IRE) / Cherry Creek (IRE) B.C.
85Mehmas (IRE) / Cheworee (GB) Ch.C.
86El Kabeir (USA) / Chinese Democracy (USA) B.F.
87Belardo (IRE) / Choc U Zel Nell (IRE) B.C.
88Cotai Glory (GB) / Clef (GB) Ch.C.
89National Defense (GB) / Clenaghcastle Lady (IRE) B.C.
90No Nay Never (USA) / Clip Art (GB) B.F.
91Highland Reel (IRE) / Clodovina (IRE) B.F.
92Fast Company (IRE) / Club Prive (IRE) B.F.
93Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Colour Rhapsody (IRE) B.F.
94Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Come Softly (GB) B.F.
95Acclamation (GB) / Comes A Time (IRE) B.F.
96Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Condensed (GB) B.C.
97Prince of Lir (IRE) / Conjuring (IRE) B.C.
98Kingman (GB) / Continental Drift (USA) B.F.
99Postponed (IRE) / Conveyor Belt (IRE) B.C.
100Kodi Bear (IRE) / Coup de Main (IRE) B.F.
101Highland Reel (IRE) / Court Circular (GB) B.F.
102El Kabeir (USA) / Cover Girl (IRE) Ch.C.
104Free Eagle (IRE) / Dalmatia (IRE) Gr.C.
105Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Dame Lucy (IRE) B.C.
106Coulsty (IRE) / Dance Along (IRE) B.C.
107Profitable (IRE) / Dancing Years (IRE) Ch.C.
108Mehmas (IRE) / Darwell (IRE) Ch.C.
110Fast Company (IRE) / Deemah (IRE) B.F.
111Pride of Dubai (AUS) / Deira Miracle (IRE) B.C.
112Profitable (IRE) / Deora De (GB) B.C.
113Fascinating Rock (IRE) / Deviate (IRE) B.F.
114Profitable (IRE) / Diamond (IRE) Ch.F.
115Australia (GB) / Dillydallydo (IRE) B.F.
116Fast Company (IRE) / Diminish (IRE) B.F.
118Dabirsim (FR) / Discipline (GB) B.C.
120Markaz (IRE) / Disko (IRE) B.F.
122Mehmas (IRE) / Doctrine (GB) B.F.
123Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Douala (GB) B/Br.C.
125Highland Reel (IRE) / Dream Craft (IRE) B.C.
126Cotai Glory (GB) / Dream Impossible (IRE) B.C.
127Belardo (IRE) / Dream On Me (GER) B.C.
128Kodi Bear (IRE) / Drumcliffe Dancer (IRE) B.C.
129Kodiac (GB) / Duchess Andorra (IRE) B.F.
130Territories (IRE) / Dynaglow (USA) Ch.C.
131Showcasing (GB) / Ealaan (USA) B.F.
132Profitable (IRE) / Ebtisama (USA) B.F.
133Dabirsim (FR) / Elite (GB) B.F.
134Free Eagle (IRE) / Elusive Ellen (IRE) B.C.
135Dandy Man (IRE) / Emma's Surprise (GB) B.C.
136Caravaggio (USA) / Energia Fox (BRZ) B.F.
137Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Eneryda (FR) B.C.
138Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Enjoy Life (IRE) Ch.C.
139Showcasing (GB) / Entree (GB) B.F.
140Highland Reel (IRE) / Ermine And Velvet (GB) Ch.F.
141Divine Prophet (AUS) / Escapism (IRE) B.C.
142Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Et Dona Ferentes (GB) B.C.
143Mehmas (IRE) / Evie Be Kool (IRE) B.F.
144Profitable (IRE) / Exclusive Diamond (GB) B.C.
145Kodiac (GB) / Faithful Duchess (IRE) B.C.
146Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Fantastic Account (GB) B.F.
147Havana Gold (IRE) / Fantastic Santanyi (GB) B.C.
149No Nay Never (USA) / Fata Morgana (GER) B.F.
151Twilight Son (GB) / Fey (GB) Ch.C.
152Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Fickle Feelings (IRE) B.F.
153Havana Gold (IRE) / Figurante (IRE) B.C.
154Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Fiuntach (IRE) Ch.F.
155Showcasing (GB) / Flirty Thirty (IRE) B.C.
156Fast Company (IRE) / Florida City (IRE) B.F.
157Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Flower Fairy (USA) B.F.
158Mehmas (IRE) / Fonseca (IRE) Br.C.
159Twilight Son (GB) / Foot of Pride (IRE) Ch.C.
160Mehmas (IRE) / Forevertwentyone (IRE) B.C.
161Dark Angel (IRE) / Freedom Pass (USA) B.F.
162Galileo Gold (GB) / Fuaigh Mor (IRE) Ch.C.
163Fast Company (IRE) / Full Moon Fever (IRE) B.F.
164Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Galileos Daughter (IRE) B.C.
165Teofilo (IRE) / Gearanai (USA) Ch.C.
166Vadamos (FR) / Ghanimah (GB) Ch.F.
167El Kabeir (USA) / Girl Ranger (IRE) B.C.
168El Kabeir (USA) / Glimmer of Peace (IRE) B.C.
169Declaration of War (USA) / Go Kart (IRE) B.C.
170Highland Reel (IRE) / Gold Lace (IRE) B.F.
171Decorated Knight (GB) / Grain de Beaute (IRE) B.F.
172Pride of Dubai (AUS) / Grand Zafeen (GB) B.F.
173Mehmas (IRE) / Green Briar (GB) B.C.
174Camelot (GB) / Grey Sky Blue (IRE) B.F.
175Slade Power (IRE) / Hajmah (IRE) [2006] Ch.C.
176New Bay (GB) / Hall Hee (IRE) B.C.
177Havana Gold (IRE) / Hamsat Elqamar (GB) B.C.
179Mehmas (IRE) / Hazarayna (GB) B.F.
180Bobby's Kitten (USA) / He Loves Me More (USA) B.C.
181Camacho (GB) / Heartstrings (GB) B.C.
182Camacho (GB) / Heavenly Helper (USA) B.C.
183Markaz (IRE) / Heavenly River (FR) B/Gr.C.
184Mehmas (IRE) / Height of Vanity (IRE) Ch.F.
185Galileo Gold (GB) / Hen Night (IRE) B.C.
186Lawman (FR) / Hidden Girl (IRE) B.F.
187Camacho (GB) / High Vintage (IRE) B.C.
188Make Believe (GB) / Hint of Glas (FR) B.C.
189The Last Lion (IRE) / Hope Against Hope (IRE) B.C.
190Mayson (GB) / Idealist (GB) B.C.
191Belardo (IRE) / Illico (GB) B.C.
193Dandy Man (IRE) / Imelda Mayhem (GB) B.F.
194Kodi Bear (IRE) / In Dubai (USA) B.C.
195Make Believe (GB) / In The House (IRE) B/Br.C.
196Aclaim (IRE) / Inagh River (GB) B.C.
197Belardo (IRE) / Inchelle (IRE) B.F.
198Bated Breath (GB) / Inflammable (GB) Ch.C.
199Australia (GB) / Into The Lane (IRE) Ch.C.
201Elzaam (AUS) / Ivor's Magic (IRE) B.C.
202Exceed And Excel (AUS) / Ivory Gala (FR) Ch.C.
203Australia (GB) / Jealous Beauty (IRE) B.F.
204Marcel (IRE) / Jersey Cream (IRE) B.C.
206Zoffany (IRE) / Jowana (IRE) B.F.
207Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Joyce Compton (IRE) Ch.F.
208Vadamos (FR) / June (IRE) B.F.
209National Defense (GB) / Just Special (GB) B.C.
210Dandy Man (IRE) / Kadesh (IRE) B.F.
212Kodi Bear (IRE) / Katherine Lee (IRE) B.C.
213Fascinating Rock (IRE) / Kayd Kodaun (IRE) B.F.
214Raven's Pass (USA) / Kentucky Belle (IRE) Ch.F.
215Bated Breath (GB) / Kerrys Requiem (IRE) B.C.
216Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Keyta Bonita (IRE) Ch.C.
217Exceed And Excel (AUS) / Khajool (IRE) B.F.
218Belardo (IRE) / Khameela (GB) B.F.
219Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Kirk's Dancer (USA) B.C.
221Elzaam (AUS) / Kualke (IRE) B.C.
222Mehmas (IRE) / La Cuvee (GB) B.C.
223Highland Reel (IRE) / La Divina (IRE) B.C.
224Australia (GB) / La Spezia (IRE) Ch.C.
225Highland Reel (IRE) / Lady Canford (IRE) B.F.
226Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Lady Gray (IRE) B/Gr.F.
227El Kabeir (USA) / Lady Marita (IRE) B.C.
228Kendargent (FR) / Lady Slippers (IRE) Gr.C.
229Awtaad (IRE) / Lady Vyrnwy (IRE) B.C.
230Galileo Gold (GB) / Ladylishandra (IRE) B.F.
231Aclaim (IRE) / Lamps of Heaven (IRE) B.C.
232Highland Reel (IRE) / Lamsa (IRE) Ch.C.
233Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Lara Amelia (IRE) Ch.F.
234El Kabeir (USA) / Last Mojito (USA) Gr.C.
235Aclaim (IRE) / Let's Dance (IRE) B.C.
236New Bay (GB) / Levanto (IRE) B.C.
237Gutaifan (IRE) / Light Laughter (IRE) Gr.C.
238Dandy Man (IRE) / Light Sea (IRE) Ch.C.
239Highland Reel (IRE) / Lily of Kenmare (IRE) B.C.
240Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Lisfannon (GB) Ch.F.
241Fast Company (IRE) / Littlemissara (IRE) B.F.
242Acclamation (GB) / Littlepromisedland (IRE) B.F.
244Lope de Vega (IRE) / Lorgnette (FR) B.F.
245Invincible Spirit (IRE) / Lost In Silence (IRE) B.C.
246Acclamation (GB) / Louarn (IRE) B.C.
247Adaay (IRE) / Loughtownlady (IRE) B.C.
248Kingman (GB) / Loulwa (IRE) B.F.
249Ardad (IRE) / Lovellian (GB) B.C.
250Dawn Approach (IRE) / Luminaria (IRE) B.C.
251Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Lundy Island (GB) B.F.
253Profitable (IRE) / Ma Nikitia (IRE) Ch.C.
255Cotai Glory (GB) / Madam Macie (IRE) Ch.C.
257Dragon Pulse (IRE) / Make A Dance (USA) B.C.
258No Nay Never (USA) / Mambo Paradise (GB) Ch.F.
259Camacho (GB) / Mandoria (GER) B.C.
260New Approach (IRE) / Maoineach (USA) Ch.C.
262Requinto (IRE) / Maraglen (IRE) B.C.
263Galileo Gold (GB) / Marian Halcombe (USA) Ch.C.
264Pearl Secret (GB) / Marise (IRE) B.C.
265Mehmas (IRE) / Mark Too (IRE) Ch.C.
267Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Marvellous Ways (IRE) Ch/Gr.C.
269Camacho (GB) / Mia Madonna (GB) B.F.
270Showcasing (GB) / Minionette (IRE) Br.F.
271Bungle Inthejungle (GB) / Mirandassister (IRE) B.C.
272Dandy Man (IRE) / Misrepresent (USA) B.F.
274Aclaim (IRE) / Miss Giler (GB) B.F.
275Kodiac (GB) / Miss Glitters (IRE) B.C.
276Dandy Man (IRE) / Model Looks (IRE) B.C.
277Estidhkaar (IRE) / Mokama (GB) B.C.
278Fascinating Rock (IRE) / Mood Indigo (IRE) B.F.
279New Bay (GB) / Moondust (IRE) B.F.
280El Kabeir (USA) / Moriches (IRE) Gr.F.
281Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Ms Grande Corniche (GB) Ch.C.
282Vadamos (FR) / Multi Grain (GB) B.C.
283Camacho (GB) / Muluk (IRE) B.C.
284Make Believe (GB) / Musalaha (IRE) B.F.
285Buratino (IRE) / Musical Review (UAE) B.C.
286Havana Gold (IRE) / My Twinkle (IRE) B.C.
287Mehmas (IRE) / Na Zdorovie (GB) B.C.
288Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Nancy Astor (GB) B.F.
289Zoffany (IRE) / Natural Bloom (IRE) B.C.
290Belardo (IRE) / Navette (IRE) B.C.
291Decorated Knight (GB) / Negotiate (GB) Ch.F.
292Kodiac (GB) / Newellen (IRE) B.F.
293Galileo Gold (GB) / Nimbus Star (GB) B.C.
294Free Eagle (IRE) / Nitya (FR) B.C.
295Cotai Glory (GB) / No Clubs (IRE) B.C.
296Dandy Man (IRE) / Noble View (USA) Ch.C.
297Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Nonetheless (IRE) B.C.
299New Bay (GB) / Nordkappe (GER) Ch.C.
302Mondialiste (IRE) / Novita (FR) B.F.
304Cotai Glory (GB) / Ohsosecret (GB) Ch.C.
305Anjaal (GB) / One Time (IRE) B.C.
306Kodiac (GB) / Oui Say Oui (IRE) B.F.
307Cotai Glory (GB) / Own Gift (GB) B.C.
308Dandy Man (IRE) / Paddy Again (IRE) B.C.
309Tamayuz (GB) / Pardoven (IRE) B.F.
310National Defense (GB) / Party Angel (IRE) B.C.
311Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Pashmina (IRE) B.F.
312Bated Breath (GB) / Passionatta (IRE) B.C.
313Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Pavement (IRE) B.C.
314Requinto (IRE) / Pavlopetri (IRE) B.C.
315Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Pearl Blue (IRE) B.F.
316Fast Company (IRE) / Pearl Diamond (GER) B.F.
317Vadamos (FR) / Pearl Mountain (IRE) B.F.
318Camacho (GB) / Phoenix Clubs (IRE) B.C.
320Cotai Glory (GB) / Pingin Rua (IRE) Ch.C.
321Fascinating Rock (IRE) / Pixie's Blue (IRE) B.C.
322Elzaam (AUS) / Pleasure Place (IRE) B.F.
323Vadamos (FR) / Plus Ca Change (IRE) B.F.
324Cotai Glory (GB) / Poetry Aloud (IRE) B.F.
325Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Polka Dot (IRE) B.C.
326Camacho (GB) / Ponty Royale (IRE) B.C.
328Kodiac (GB) / Qalahari (IRE) B.F.
329Bated Breath (GB) / Queen Andorra (IRE) Ch.F.
330El Kabeir (USA) / Queen Grace (IRE) Ch.C.
331Kodiac (GB) / Question (USA) B.C.
332Dragon Pulse (IRE) / Quiania (IRE) B.C.
333The Gurkha (IRE) / Quiet Down (USA) B.C.
334Muhaarar (GB) / Rainbow Springs (GB) B.C.
335Fast Company (IRE) / Red Perdita (IRE) B.F.
336Zoffany (IRE) / Red Stars (IRE) B.C.
337Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Redinha (GB) B.F.
338Free Eagle (IRE) / Redoutable (IRE) B.C.
340Ardad (IRE) / Regina (GB) B.C.
341Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Remy (GB) B.C.
342Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) / Rip Van Music (IRE) B.C.
343Fast Company (IRE) / Rising Wind (IRE) B.F.
345Dandy Man (IRE) / Romea (GB) B.C.
348Pride of Dubai (AUS) / Royal Guinevere (GB) B.C.
349Hot Streak (IRE) / Royal Visit (IRE) B.F.
350Dragon Pulse (IRE) / Ruby Girl (IRE) B.C.
351Highland Reel (IRE) / Ruby Shoes (IRE) B.F.
352Dandy Man (IRE) / Russian Flower (USA) B.C.
353Ribchester (IRE) / Sabinillas (IRE) B.F.
355Dabirsim (FR) / Sapore di Roma (IRE) Bl.C.
356Free Eagle (IRE) / Sassy (FR) Ch.C.
357New Bay (GB) / Scatina (IRE) Ch.F.
358Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Scripture (IRE) Ch.C.
361Elzaam (AUS) / Secret Liaison (IRE) B.F.
362Cotai Glory (GB) / Semper Fi (GB) Ch.C.
363Havana Gold (IRE) / Serasana (GB) B.F.
364Highland Reel (IRE) / Sereza (IRE) B.F.
366Elzaam (AUS) / Sesmen (GB) Gr.C.
367The Gurkha (IRE) / Shagra (IRE) B.F.
368Pearl Secret (GB) / Shahaama (GB) Ch.C.
369Mehmas (IRE) / Shallow Lake (USA) B.C.
370Kodiac (GB) / Shama's Song (IRE) B.F.
371El Kabeir (USA) / Shamardyh (IRE) B.F.
372Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) / Shanjia (GER) Bl.C.
374Mehmas (IRE) / She Bu (IRE) B.C.
375Fastnet Rock (AUS) / Sheba Five (USA) B.C.
376Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Sherbert (GB) Ch.F.
377Aclaim (IRE) / Short Shrift (IRE) B.C.
378Territories (IRE) / Showbird (GB) Ch.C.
379Due Diligence (USA) / Showbizzy (GB) B.C.
380The Gurkha (IRE) / Siesta Time (GB) B.C.
382Kodi Bear (IRE) / Silk Affair (IRE) B.C.
384Vadamos (FR) / Silque (GB) B.C.
385Pride of Dubai (AUS) / Sliding Scale (GB) Br.F.
386Aclaim (IRE) / Snake's Head (GB) B.C.
387Zoffany (IRE) / So Katie (IRE) Ch.C.
388Time Test (GB) / Sophie Gray (IRE) B.F.
389Fast Company (IRE) / South Atlantic (USA) B.C.
390Fast Company (IRE) / Special Chocolate (FR) B.C.
391Cable Bay (IRE) / Spectacular Show (IRE) B.C.
392Galileo Gold (GB) / Spirited Charm (GB) Ch.C.
393Gutaifan (IRE) / Spiritoftheunion (GB) Gr.C.
394Zoffany (IRE) / Spiritual Flame (GB) B.F.
395Camelot (GB) / Spiritual Praise (IRE) B.F.
396Cotai Glory (GB) / Star of Kings (GB) Ch.C.
397National Defense (GB) / Starbright (IRE) B.C.
398Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Starlight Circus (IRE) B.C.
399Cable Bay (IRE) / State Anthem (GB) B.F.
400Galileo Gold (GB) / Subtle Shimmer (GB) B.C.
403Dandy Man (IRE) / Sundown Sally (IRE) Ch.C.
404Cotai Glory (GB) / Superabundance (IRE) Ch.C.
406Teofilo (IRE) / Sway Me Now (USA) Ch.C.
407Australia (GB) / Sweet Temptation (IRE) B.C.
408Raven's Pass (USA) / Tadkhirah (GB) Ch.C.
409Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Tartan Blue (GB) Ch.C.
411Bated Breath (GB) / Taste The Salt (IRE) B.F.
412Mastercraftsman (IRE) / Tears In My Eyes (IRE) B.F.
413Pivotal (GB) / Testimony (GB) Ch.C.
414Starspangledbanner (AUS) / The Last Sister (IRE) B.F.
415Acclamation (GB) / Thousandfold (USA) B.F.
416Kodiac (GB) / Tides Reach (IRE) B.C.
417War Command (USA) / Timeless Dream (GB) B.C.
418El Kabeir (USA) / Tinder (IRE) Gr.C.
419Make Believe (GB) / Tobair An Sheeda (IRE) B.F.
420Cotai Glory (GB) / Top of The Ridge (IRE) B.F.
421Night of Thunder (IRE) / Tuolumne Meadows (GB) Ch.C.
422Adaay (IRE) / Two In The Pink (IRE) B.C.
423Anjaal (GB) / Undulant Way (GB) B.C.
424Blame (USA) / Unifier (USA) B.F.
425Footstepsinthesand (GB) / Valen (IRE) Gr.F.
427Cable Bay (IRE) / Vanoise (GB) B.C.
428Profitable (IRE) / Ventura Falcon (IRE) Ch.F.
429Divine Prophet (AUS) / Vera Lilley (IRE) Gr.C.
432Mehmas (IRE) / Vida Amorosa (IRE) B.C.
433Belardo (IRE) / Viking Rose (IRE) B.C.
434Mayson (GB) / Vintage Gardenia (GB) B.C.
435Fast Company (IRE) / Virtudes (IRE) B.F.
436Starspangledbanner (AUS) / Visalia (IRE) B.C.
437Acclamation (GB) / Voom Voom (IRE) B.C.
438Cotai Glory (GB) / Vulnicura (IRE) Ch.C.
439The Gurkha (IRE) / Weekend Lady (IRE) Ch.F.
440Gutaifan (IRE) / Whatever You Do (IRE) B.C.
441Fashion Delight (USA) B.F. by Overanalyze (USA) x Where Woody Bea (USA)
442Gleneagles (IRE) / Wild Idle (USA) B.F.
444The Gurkha (IRE) / Wingspan (USA) B.F.
445Aclaim (IRE) / With Colour (GB) B.F.
446Mehmas (IRE) / Woodland Maiden (IRE) B.C.
447Caravaggio (USA) / Woolstone (GB) Gr.F.

Latest update: 17:35, Wednesday 25 September. Current time: 23:10, 26/9/24.